There is usually a lot of pressure when moving to a new home, with so much to be done outside of the move itself. It is impossible to remember everything. But organization is critical to a smooth move and this is the time to start the process of securing a mover and considering various packing options.

- Make sure to separate out those items you’ll be taking with you and those items the movers will take. Items you may wish to take with you could be jewelry and important documentation.
- Empty, defrost and clean your refrigerator, freezer and clean your stove all at least 24 hours before moving to let them air out. Try using baking soda to get rid of any odors. You can also leave a container of baking soda in the refrigerator.
- Prepare your “first night bag.” Your first night bag should contain the clothing and toiletries you will need for the first night in your new home.
- “Work” with the movers and be on hand when the movers arrive. If you are not able to be present while the movers are there, (and we strongly recommend that you be present), designate a close and trusted friend or family member to help out and make decisions in your absence. This person may be asked to sign documents obligating you to charges.
- Stay home until the last item is packed and loaded. Make a final inspection before the crew leaves. Leave your phone connected throughout moving day.
- Clean your house as much as you can before the moving truck arrives. Search every room, closet and around the house before the moving truck arrives.
- Review your floor plan so you can tell the movers where to place your furniture and appliances. Make yourself available for the movers for instructions on where to place your furniture while unloading. Remain there in case there are any questions for the duration of the unloading.
- It is helpful to have a baby sitter for your kids during the loading and unloading process. Put your pets in a room where they will not be in the way of the loading and unloading process.
- Verify that all utilities have been disconnected in your old home and connected in your new home. Have your phone connected a day before move-in day.

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